Bash에서 각종 Arguments가 어떻게 넘어오는지? 간단명료한 설명!!

입질쾌감 물때표

Bash에서 각종 Arguments가 어떻게 넘어오는지 그리고 어떻게 활용해야 하는지 잘 설명된 내용이다.

# ------------- SCRIPT ------------- #


echo "# arguments called with ---->  ${@}     "
echo "# \$1 ---------------------->  $1       "
echo "# \$2 ---------------------->  $2       "
echo "# path to me --------------->  ${0}     "
echo "# parent path -------------->  ${0%/*}  "
echo "# my name ------------------>  ${0##*/} "

# ------------- CALLED ------------- #

# Notice on the next line, the first argument is called within double, 
# and single quotes, since it contains two words

$  /misc/shell_scripts/check_root/ "'hello there'" "'william'"

# ------------- RESULTS ------------- #

# arguments called with --->  'hello there' 'william'
# $1 ---------------------->  'hello there'
# $2 ---------------------->  'william'
# path to me -------------->  /misc/shell_scripts/check_root/
# parent path ------------->  /misc/shell_scripts/check_root
# my name ----------------->


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